Here's What You Missed In Alternatives This Month

Alternative investment news and resources from March

Asset Scholar

The best place to learn about investing in alternative assets.

What's In This Issue?

Welcome to our third newsletter! Below you can find:

  1. All our alternative investing news articles from March

  2. Our new educational resources and platform overviews

  3. Some notes about other recent site changes

Breaking News

Special Stories

Ultimate Introduction To Alternative Investments

Alternative investments have unique characteristics, interesting potential benefits, and sometimes difficult trade-offs. Learn more in this comprehensive guide.

Here Real Estate Overview

Here allows for fractional investing in a specific real estate niche - short term vacation rental properties. Click here to learn more about how to get started.

Vint Overview

Vint makes it extremely simple to invest in wine and whiskey. Learn more about how to fractionally invest in their SEC-qualified collections for as low as $50.

StartEngine Alternatives

If you're looking for StartEngine alternatives for your crowdfunding needs, Republic and Wefunder are two of the most popular alternatives.


After a long time focusing on News and Platform content, we gave some extra focus to the Assets part of the site this month.

We now have landing pages for most of the major asset classes that we cover. The Real Estate and Music Royalties pages are the most complete with beginner-friendly introductions to the asset class. That's why these are the only two linked under the main assets page for right now. We'll work on building out introductions for the rest of the other assets as well.

All asset landing pages have a visually-appealing, simple list of investment platforms and links to our latest news and platform resources for the asset class. For now, you can find the links to everything in the site footer.

This month we also experimented with an AI-generated post for the first time. The post we chose for the experiment was our StartEngine Alternatives article. We picked this one because we were very familiar with StarEngine, Republic, and Wefunder.

The results were impressive in the sense that we gave an AI Chatbot relatively little input and it generated a coherent and readable output. The results were disappointing in the sense that it contained numerous inaccuracies, which required us to rewrite a healthy portion of the article it generated. We also have mixed feelings about the structure it used.

It was an interesting test, but we'll be sticking with hand-written content for the foreseeable future.


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