May This Knowledge Be With You

News and educational resources about alternative assets from the month of April

Asset Scholar

The best place to learn about investing in alternative assets.

What's In This Issue?

Welcome to our fourth monthly newsletter! Below you'll find:

  1. A list of all the new article and news post from April

  2. A list of the new educational resources we added this month

  3. Site news and commentary


Special News

AcreTrader Vs FarmTogether

AcreTrader and Farmtogether are two of the most prominent platforms for investing in farmland. We take a look at how they stack up against each other and which might be best for you.

AcreTrader Overview

AcreTrader is one of the most popular platforms for investing in farmland. We take a deep dive into how the platform works, its offerings so far, its fees, and how to use it.

SeedInvest Overview

SeedInvest is an early pioneer in equity crowdfunding. Before it gets acquired by StartEngine we took a look at this platform and its legacy.

How To Make Money On Groundfloor

We discuss the strategy we’ve found for investing on Groundfloor.

This month we made some changes to increase the consistency in the look and feel of the website, especially for desktop users.

We expanded the asset class landing pages to include easy-to-read, simple introductions for Private Credit, as well as Farmland.

For farmland, we were also able to provide some historical return information based on data from the USDA. Over a 25 year period, average US cropland values grew at a ~5.68% CAGR from 1997 to the current measure of 2022 values. That is purely appreciation - rental yields would also play a factor in total returns

Given April is the home of Earth Day, we made a more active effort to round out some key points of farmland coverage.

Lastly, we've done some work under-the-hood on the site to improve some of the functionality - and hopefully increase the likelihood that successfully made it into your inbox. Which was important because we also had our largest increase in new subscribers to date!


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